neighbor threatened to kill my cat

Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question. Guess what? Is it impossible to build a fence around your yard to keep the cat out? I hope you paid them a visit once you left..Im going through this just cats dont defecate in their garden as its stone chipped..but use the fence to reach softer ground..theyve stoned my cats a few times. Here are some things you can try (and others you should not try) to make things more peaceful. People sometimes trap a domestic cat on the premise that the cat is a stray. Report this nasty bully before its too late. Step 1: Conciliation No matter how doomed it might seem, start with the charm offensive. Video cameras will aid with evidence for any cruelty cases and deter anyone who might harm the cats from coming onto the property. I keep very detailed veterinary records and all current vaccines for the cat. There is no easy solution of your neighbor wont act responsibly. Just to clarify to that idiot incase he comes back under another name, the bird feeder was placed on a pole exactly between our 2 gardens specifically to entice cats to climb it and cut themselves on the barbed wire HALF of which was wound round OUR side of the pole. Are you being a good neighbor by respecting his property-rights and trying everything to resolve the issue? I think he would have a difficult time proving the suit, and if he had damages to show, I don't know exactly how far he could stretch a Small Claims suit. When they put up the barbed wire I actually phoned the police and the RSPCA and was told nothing could be done until a cat was injured! Unless it's just your pet cat. Find more information on working with law enforcement to protect cats. @Zeus, I needed the card for two reasons: (1) If he wasn't home, I wasn't going to loiter and wait for him to come back, the card was going to serve as a message vessel, (2) because I find card apologies to be more thought through and polite. You comment is incomprehensible (that word means your comment is gobbledegook in case you were wondering). If your neighbor has taken the time to ask you in the most nice non confrontational way possible assume they are probably at the seething point already as most of us are loath to say anything hoping the situation resolves itself. I asked her if that's because of my cat, she tells me that I'm "ruining her life," and he doesn't want to have to "give up bird watching on account of my cat." Goodbye you mean minded lonely freak. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? If a dispute is just that, try to stay out of it as much as you can. This applies even if the gun is unloaded and no physical contact occurs. A redirected attack occurs only if an agitated cat is approached or there's someone close by. However, if then the neighbour threatens with the killing again, I would mention that this would be a criminal act (but would hope it didn't come to that). For instance, a California statute says that people have the right to kill any animals "known as dangerous to life, limb, or property" (Cal. God help us there are many like those low life bullies and it sounds to me as if YOU are one of them.or maybe you are the cowardly idiot Woody back again with yet another alias. It will never end with your kind. All rights reserved. I don't want you to have to give up your hobby and at the same time, I'm not giving up my cat. This law also protects an actor for the . We don't let it out on purpose, but it's a sneaky little thing. The punishment for killing a dog varies per state and county, but the highest form of punishment is seven years of jail time or a $5,000 fine. Cookie Notice There are way to many wild cats out there. Idk, it works on some cats but not all. I was a bit stunned and just told her, "Look, you can't do that. The cat was panicking or was having a seizure and the dog got stressed because of it. I asked him to cite which laws he thought i was violating, and the best he said was, "Well on NextDoor they said " Am I really facing legal liability for animal abuse for a cat that gets out? The Road Less Travelled. Prompt: "41 and 16 with Dean and sister reader? I agree completely. He already has a felony charge for threatening to kill police last fall, they know he's crazy, the apartment complex we both live in know he's crazy. She told me she would report me for animal abuse. Astounding! If your cat never went into their yards or climbed any fences, then you wouldnt worry one bit that they put up barbed-wire. Her response was, "No, we've already talked about it and you're being unpleasant." How is an ETF fee calculated in a trade that ends in less than a year? I am worried that adding all this will just make him angrier. Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? The victim fired a single shot at the dog killing it, as it charged toward him, teeth exposed. It won't just be cats effected but birds and foxes and badgers. While I would never shoot or threaten to shoot someone's pet, I really hate it when they let them crap in my yard and not pick up after them. This is the crux of the story; OP's dogs killed a neighbor's cat who came into the yard by crossing the fence. The majority of the message will be along the lines of "so sorry won't happen again etc". (Just like this post to you now is also a total waste of my time. ahh ok, cheers for the clarafication. You may invoke the law but then he may do something sneaky or impossible to prove. Your cat should be prevented from going onto your neighbor's property if he strongly dislikes it. Alley Cat Allies has protected and improved the lives of cats for 32 years. I'm not defending your neighbor here, but have you put yourself in his shoes? rose said You usually find people like that think they own the entire street they live in and can do anything they like and woe betide anyone who questions their rights'. If I had 20 dogs because I love dogs, but my house was too little or I was unable to really be responsible for them, or I just wanted the dogs to be able to do whatever they wanted to do, and I let them wander all over the place, would that be OK? Her husband threatened to report me for animal abuse. Can you request in your will that your companion animal must be killed on your death? I wanna go out, grab it with my bare hands and throw it at the OWNER!! If one of my neighbours told me they was putting down a deliberate poison because of my cat I would report it to the police and the RSPCA. Common Examples: Psychos, sneaky stealers, garbage collectors, criminals making their bad business right in front of your home. My Neighbor Threatened to Kill My Cat? Well Ive got news for you, YOU are exactly that with knobs on! In this case someone does mind and you cant take the risk that he is just making an idle threat. A criminal threat occurs when someone threatens to kill or physically harm someone else. Well I think it's my cats right to be free and roam, is it legal for her to shoot my cat if it's in her yard? @Catsunami, I understood that he spoke from behind the fence, not seeing you and not knowing you were there (maybe. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Diffuse cat tension with your neighbour To reach a solution with your neighbour, communication and understanding is key to avoid taking the matter down a more serious and legal route. Yes, exactly. People like that you just cant reason with, I asked them nicely to stop their harrassment of us and our cats, that only made it worse. One of the first double murders of parents by their child in the U. S. involved 11-year-old Wesley Elkins in Iowa. If a downstairs neighbor is complaining about noise to their upstairs neighbor, or if neighbors are feuding over leaves that were blown from one yard into another, your association isn't required to interfere . It's almost like a reflex, done automatically without thought. Make sure the video quality is HD. I took a few calls for my job and came back out to her and her husband doing their bird watching thing. No, it wouldn't for obvious reasons. I cannot abide whingers who moan abt cats in their gardens.These ppl are clealy ignorant of how a cat lives. You could always speak to the RSPCA first and ask them what you should do. Depending on the state you live in it may very well be legal for him to shoot your cat. Your email address will not be published. The cat won't go looking for someone to attack! Even though they probably warned you many many times that thats what your cats do and you refused to believe it. Instead, in the past three months, our neighbor has escalated his harassment by throwing debris at my gods, which has caused my dogs to become afraid of them, and sensitive to noises coming from their house. Also getting police involved in general is not a good idea, neither is antagonizing your neighbor even more. Very long story short my moms neighbor threatened to kill one of our cats named Tokie, Tokie was only 6 months old very sweet cat, the day after the Press J to jump to the feed. By Jerry Davich. If anything happens to your cat when it's at-large, good luck getting anywhere as far as holding anyone accountable. A built-in bind-spot bigger than your own brains. You did the only thing you could do which is move. If the people who bought the house from you also couldnt stand to live next to them it kind of points to your neighbors being bullies. It is lose-lose. This sounds like your neighbor. So then why do people think just because they are cats, it is OK for them to go wherever, pooping, killing birds, getting sick, getting lost or run-over, having fights or whatever? It creates a more human and friendly feel to the neighbourhood. If someone threatens the cats you care for, you should take it very seriously. Surprise surprise it turned out that one of the sons who had got his girl friend pregnant, eventually bought our house at a knock down price after the women who bought it first, moved out too because of their bullying anti social ways. Now. Those people probably knew the thing to drive us out was to target our cats. So my answer to could the neighbor have done it, has to be yes. tl;dr Neighbor is upset that my cat goes outside. I do not understand the entitlement of some pet owners who think everyone should tolerate their dog or cat running loose or in the case of dogs yowling all night. They had no cause to hate us or our cats, at the time we had 2 x 9 year old quiet neutered cats who never went from our own garden unless into the field beyond. She told me I'm a Trump supporter (I'm not) and I'm not welcome in this neighborhood if those are my values. Puzzled, I asked her, "Where will you take him?" Resist the temptation to rationalize, excuse, justify, or minimize animal cruelty. I'll work on keeping him contained as much as humanly possible. Many people use death threat as a general insult (even at their own children), without even the slightest intent to actually do it. He ran in this house to hide. I don't want to talk to him in person because honestly he seems a bit unbalanced. Hi, I'm a 74-year-old retired solicitor (attorney in the US). Could I have handled this any differently? But they are bad for native birds. Great Pyrenees Dog for Adoption near California, CITY RANCH, USA. This is one of the pitfalls of legal gun usage in the United States. Your neighbor should not be cursing at you or threatening the life of your dog. The rest of the world is onto your sad and sorry self-victimization manipulation tactics to try to control everyone around you. I have a cat, and she is an outdoor cat. I got him home from the vet a month ago or so. Pets belong at home in the house and walked on a regular basis or in a secure fence or enclosure. Also, it is more socially responsible to pick up feces if he defecates in a public place, although I understand the difficulties of doing that. All Rights Reserved. Your stuff is so fun and I am really enjoying it! M Scott Peck. If the cat entered your private property, and that is where you dog killed it, it is unlikely the owner would be able to sue you. I told her I have a legal right to live here as much as anyone else. This particular neighbor never liked the cat because the cat would get in her yard and allegedly kill the birds at her bird feeder. I'm not sure why you think I was going to use the mail service instead of going next door. So my answer is that while the man sounds unreasonable, he has a point. Clearly your cats were a threat to what they valued, and they tried to protect it by any means necessary after asking you to keep your cats on your own property was a total waste of their time. Resolving the Problem Directly with Your Neighbor The best option for addressing a constantly barking or dangerous dog, a loud rooster crowing at the break of dawn, or a cat repeatedly sneaking into your house, is to talk to the neighbor responsible for the offending animal in a non-confrontational manner. A Florida man is accused of fatally shooting a neighbor whose cat walked onto his property, authorities said. You have to exist with other people in a society, and respect of one's property goes a long way in that regard. You should call the police and they should interview your neighbour and that may be enough to stop him or her. Do note, while we always aim to give you accurate product info at the point of publication, unfortunately price and terms of products and deals can always be changed by the provider afterwards, so double check first. "Underneath the surface . Why should someone be able to choose to hurt or destroy an animal that isnt causing any harm? It's completely different. Telling her, "Look. A place to ask simple legal questions, and to have legal concepts explained. These are just some of the reasons why a dog might suddenly . Id really feel terrible to be in that situation. Maintain and control them like a responsible pet-owner, or relinquish that duty - its that simple. However, it will obviously create even more tension between you and your neighbour and may make your relationship intolerable. Feel free to rollback or edit if you think I got you wrong. YOU are responsible for your cat at all times- -period. For example, a person who threatens their neighbor while waving a gun may be charged with aggravated assault. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. Finally, Wisconsin has an interesting statute that prohibits "the killing or aiding in killing or wounding by use of deadly weapon of any animal that is tied, staked out, caged or otherwise intentionally confined in a man-made enclosure, regardless of size." WI ST 951.09 . Intentionally injuring or killing a cat is a criminal offense. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Does PETA kill thousands of animals annually and if so, why? It isn't right. Can we talk about this?" Most lawsuits or legal action happen after the damage is done in a case like this no matter the outcome your pet is still injured or dead. Your email address will not be published. working with law enforcement to protect cats. Perhaps your cat is defecating on your neighbors garden? Soaking it with a hosepipe is hardly the same as murdering it. Also it is important to try and keep on good terms with your neighbors. About 2 hours later the now irrate neighbor was circling the front of my house yelling and banging on doors and windows. If you receive a threat from your neighbor about killing your cat because they see your pet roam around their house or neighborhood, alert local authorities immediately. Your comments disturb the peace, and I won't stand for it. So neighbor as a potential cause has to be in there, along with cancer, organ failure, bacterial infection, mycotic swamp cancer and mites and viruses and all of the many things that can make a body ill. He is entitled by law to defend his property from damagers (including your cats) The only point of contention is he cant prove it was your cats as opposed to the countless others, that did the damage. It is almost impossible to catch people poisoning cats or prevent people from hurting a companion animal. However, you have to be prepared for potential. Funny how the families who churn out the most kids have the least respect for anything. I can tell from my own experience in several cases, that people are way more likely to be accepting and understanding if you communicate to them that you understand their trouble. How do you ensure that a red herring doesn't violate Chekhov's gun? There are no winners. December 25, 2022 | 7:34pm. Evil Evil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think the humane society will put down a cat if asked to by a non-owner, but your neighbor could lie. It has been escalating over the course of a year and she finally "jokingly" threatened to kill my cat. The objective I think is that you have to prevent your cats going on to his property. The answer was yes you watch m. My cat gets out a lot. How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? My neighbour threatened to kill my cat. Should i be worried? Its not your neighbors! The articles are copyright Michael Broad but the infographics are free to use under a CC license. The underlying problem that you have here is that your neighbor is a pain in the bum and no good even though he or she likes cats. Fine with other animals, including cats and farm llamas. You obviously didnt read that our cats NEVER bothered our neighbours, they had their own earth closet in our/their OWN garden, they didnt even go in next doors garden. In order to have an official police record of a violent threat, notify local law enforcement immediately and explain the situation in detail. I personally wouldn't report him because if he found out I'd have to worry about bricks through the windows etc as well as the danger to my cat. Spay and neuter your cats. Just a quick apology for an accident. Many people accept it and like it. reply report. When HOAs and COAs are Liable for Neighbor-to-Neighbor Harassment. Basically, a verbal threat becomes a crime when: The speaker threatens to harm or kill the listener or the listener's family; The speaker's threat is specific and unambiguous; The listener has reasonable belief and fear that the speaker will carry their threat out; and. Or they might put down poison. Thanks everyone, i will speak to the SSPCA tomorrow and see what they recomment with the police etc. One extreme option is to sue in nuisance but that may not work and it will cause more hostilities. Legalities aside, this neighbor has given you fair warning that he may harm your cat. You explicitly show AND prove to the whole world that you had and have ZERO respect for your neighbors lives. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Its a bit like the Israel versus Gaza war that is going on at the moment. Despite the fact that the number of domestic cats and dogs in America has doubled since the 1970s, the number Best Friends Animal Society reported a 44.5% drop between 2019 and 2020 of euthanized shelter cats and dogs from 625,000 Somebody asked the question whether animal shelters can refuse animals. MF date: Dec [STRIKE]2028[/STRIKE] 2019. You would have looked at that act as being a complete waste of their time and money, not a threat to your cats, and it wouldnt have bothered you one little bit. Like I think if he had a gun he would have shot my cat yesterday. There are some good products in America which can convert a yard into a cat enclosure. Harming animals with a sense of elation is a huge red flag personality indicator. Very long story short my moms neighbor threatened to kill one of our cats named Tokie, Tokie was only 6 months old very sweet cat, the day after the neighbor threatened to kill the cat Tokie was found partially paralyzed and badly injured, barely 12 hours later the cat died from injuries, it appears the cat was stomped on or slammed into something with great force, he was not run over cause the cat couldnt walk and was found on the porch no where near traffic and it wasnt done by an animal because there is no bite marks, we did report it to the police but the cops did nothing and didnt look at the cat, on top of that the neighbor has been harassing me, my family, my 16 year old niece and our friends online, 4 of his friends who are all adults were also harassing us and one guy said fuck that cat. The dog may have a lot of pent-up energy because they don't exercise enough and maybe bothering the cat for this reason. Criminal Threats vs. Free Speech You usually find people like that think they own the entire street they live in and can do anything they like and woe betide anyone who questions their rights. I finally followed the cat home after chasing it out of my yard and tried to have a chat with the owner who completely came unhinged and out of control threatening me with bodily harm. This sounds like the best idea, and keep the cat indoors. 2023 Hearst UK is the trading name of the National Magazine Company Ltd, 30 Panton Street, Leicester Square, London, SW1Y 4AJ. I also have him chipped, and I did fit his collar with an electronic tracker. Especially if it comes to a situation like this. Personally I wouldn't even think about apologising for my pet being in someone else's garden unless they were causing damage or defecating in their garden. Summary: Castiel drops the reader into 1984 to protect her from an angel who wants to kill her. Collect all the gun powder in a small dish. 1. I'm not a lawyer, but I think the "animal abuse" aspect of this is nonsense. Everyone in my courtyard complex loves my cat, besides her, and today was her first legitimate death threat. Realizing i had made a mistake thinking i could talk the matter through I left. You can buy them for just as little as a couple hundred dollars. Its a dangerous world out there especially for animals. But if you want to keep your cat alive, you may have to keep her inside for now. DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK. A lot of people hate that. Not a very nice comment at all. This isn't aimed at you, but why the bloody hell should the cat have to now become an indoor cat because of one moron living in the street. What makes life difficult is that the process of confronting and solving problems is a painful one." My downstairs neighbor threatened to kill my cat multiple times this morning for allegedly attacking her little dog. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? Unfortunately, no law in Florida allows a person to shoot an attacking dog in defense of human life or injury. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. That simple-to-understand comment is only incomprehensible to you because you too have that blind-spot. As I said you are banned. 61. My only advice to anyone in the same position would be to do as we did and move, if at all possible! I am glad I didn't mention anything about the cat murder. Also, a person who threatens a peace officer, elected official or who threatens a large group of people may face enhanced charges. How to match a specific column position till the end of line? We did call the police this morning so they are aware, but she's threatening me, the cat and to sue the apartments forwell something we're not so sure of. Or keep them inside. It's not true as we have witnesses, including me, that the dog was off leash and ran after my cat while he hid in the bushes, and this isn't the first time a dog of hers has done this. 6 reasons for the 90% drop in pound killings of US dogs and cats since the 1970s, Substantial drop in shelter animal euthanasia in the USA, Governor wants California to be a no-kill animal shelter state. Animal cruelty. "When my daughter was verbally assaulted while looking for her lost cat and then threatened with a K9-trained German sherpherd, I went into 'protective dad' mode," Persampiere said in a written . There are some horrible people in this world. If not, the neighbor is blowing smoke. No I was talking about people who refuse to live and let live,who allow their kids to run wild,cheek adults and chuck rubbish around and own dogs that mess all over and bark constantly. Alley Cat Allies is a 501(c)3 organization. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Editor, Marcus Herbert. My personal view on difficult, insensitive neighbours is to move home away from them. First, don't worry too much (yet). It may be too expensive even if it is possible. It's not a malicious or even intentional type of aggression. The speaker communicates the threat either verbally, in writing, or . Gather evidence. Said if our cat comes near his house again he will kill it. I wrote an apology card and handed it over after our brief conversation. You don't threaten me or my animal and not expect consequences. I didn't respond to him because I was shocked (no one has threatened me or my animals before). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If not, you cannot claim they never went into their yards because you werent aware of it. And you end up with a hostile neighbor which is not good for long term health, welfare and ambience. Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. It only takes a minute to sign up. If Cats You Care for Have Been Harmed or Killed, Working with Law Enforcement to Protect Cats, Animal Cruelty: Understanding Laws and Taking Action webinar. and he wasn't very civil. Be less worried about the person who confronts you than the ones that never say a word. But it did! I just dont like them using my garden beds as toilets, stalking native birds that are attracted by the scrap seed my chickens toss around and killing them. They wanted to own the house next to theirs, and eventually did after driving out the subsequent owners. I am pretty sure that the neighbor is justified in relaying the information to you in hopes that you take the proper measures to ensure the cat doesn't go on his/her property again. How can I stop him? Come closer and find out." Sounds like a complete bully to me, threatening that it would be a shame if your cat died. A neighbor may make a valid complaint for an animal running free on their property. Ruth, it sounds like it never really was about your cats. Some people are cruel sick and twisted. There is no such thing as a fat cat any more. I'd rather you play it safe and have a pissed off cat than have a dead cat. But I'd like to reach an understanding here. "I live here! Here's an article with some more information. I just read this whole thing from start to finish, comments and all. Neighbors often poison pets in order to quiet a noisy dog or stop a cat from digging up the rose garden or stalking the birds. If you want to read more click here. .

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