harvest of launching out into the deep

This article will help you get more value from each page of the hymnal. . But it is fruitful. Trust His Word. Under the power of the latter rain, every congregation is to explode with the influx of new believers who accept God's saving message. Its time to execute in faith. Read LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP by ANITA F MASON with a free trial. Without Spirit-led, Spirit-filled action, our lives and ministries will become spiritually stagnant. In the middle of having her two daughters get married 7 weeks apart,9 Traits of a Life-Giving Momhit number 1 on Amazons Hot New Releases and gained popular momentum with moms groups and online communities. In the language of Peter the church must confess, " 'Because you say so,'" we will launch out into the deep through faith and obedience, will trans form our hundreds into thousands and our thousands into hundreds of thousands. Simon, may I use your ship?. Number two; the best place is shallow water so I don't understand this idea of launching into the deep in the daytime." The word "deep" in this imperative is descriptive of the exploding population yet to be reached by the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. This is Gods message for YOU today: You havent seen anything yet! A fisher of men. It is high time to abandon our cozy harbors of complacency, self-satisfaction, and undisturbed religious contentment as we launch out into the deep of soul-winning action. Thanks Amanda! Joining hands and hearts together in prayer, consecration, fellowship, doctrinal harmony, and evangelistic activities, we are to unite for the enlargement and qualitative consolidation of the church. He saw the potential in Peter to be a great leader who would catch men. Before anything great will be accomplished for Christ, we must make the decision to launch out at His command. Evangelism, in order to produce extraordinary quantitative results, must follow Christ's directive. But Jesus cared about people more than He cared about comfort. Preparing for a leaders summit by my local Church Womens Ministry, dubbed: deep and wide Luke 5:4, in a couple of days. God speaks in accordance to His word. The Lord knows our limitations. and I will make you fishers of men' " (N.I.V.). This inspiring teaching aptly explains what it means to launch out into the deep and how to launch out into the deep for the great harvest that God has prepared for you this New Year. Sow a seed of faith today! Many Christians only want to comprehend what is apparent /obvious. Simon Peter was reluctant as he had just been out all-night fishing and had caught nothing. Deep Brain Stimulation therapies have proven an invaluable treatment option for patients suffering from . Revelation in prayer is all related to what the Lord has said. Remember Gideon? The draught of fishes was miraculous, yet neither the fisherman nor his boat, nor his fishing tackle were ignored; but all were used to take . The zeal at which you launch out determines the level of harvest to come to you. 5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. As in the case of the disciples, the time has come for the whole church to unite and coordinate all its spiritual and material resources in a united campaign to evangelize the world for Christ. In deep prayer we hear Gods voice. Our ministries become more about service than about reaching lost men and women with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet, in actuality, that promised breakthrough may not materialize immediately as Gods timing is different than ours. God will reward you and the Ministry for what you have been doing to fulfill the Great Commission. See our. . "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing" (Vs 5) 3. He was constantly getting in the way, and, when the chips were down, he denied even knowing Jesus three times. When Christ saw a need, He acted. Lets look at a few points: Message preached by Pastor Efren Alvarez from Mount Olivet Apostolic Fellowship "Launch out into the Deep!" Prayer Day 7 Read Luke 5:4-11 4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. (Ps 42:7). If you're a print subscriber, we'll complement your print copy of Ministry with an electronic version. Our June issue featured their differing views (under pseudonyms) on Christ's human nature. He frequently speaks, writes, ministers and leads Bible Studies on various topics ranging from Marriage, Faith, Family, Business, Stewardship, Emotional Healing and Leadership. God is provoking us to expect fruit in faith to spring from our mission mobilization labors over these many years. You and I likewise have the opportunity to experience the miraculous power of God. And He entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed (asked) him that he would thrust out a little from the land. It means to catch fish in such a way that they are still alive when brought to shore for sale. Perhaps our greatest obstacle in seeing the miraculous power of God is our own apathy. Feb. 28Food banks are facing a crisis. Perhaps you have suffered under this. God guarantees the results when the church and its leadership in obedience and faith accept and implement Christ's evangelistic strategy. launching definition: 1. present participle of launch 2. to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new. -Expand: increasing stock, larger building, better location, hiring more employees, etc. At thy wordit was the stake on which Peter hung his decision to launch out. Be ready to launch into the deep for life changing experience. Yes, all God needs is obedient, available lives, and He will arrange the details and fill the gospel net as we cast it into the deep by faith. It is a divine directive to mobilize and harness the entire membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for an all-out evangelistic advance. A similar survey examining a spiritually stagnant America tracked a decade of declining statistics in American Christians Bible reading, prayer, and church attendance. After Christ finished teaching, he said to Peter, "Launch out into the deep, and let down the nets for a draught." (Luke 5:4). Soon afterward he [Jesus] went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. Without living faith and dynamic action there is no production. The storm may be raging, but if you are where Christ has called you to be, and you are doing what he called you to do, he will bring you through. Don't limit yourself by limiting God. Cast again. Or even KNOWING you made the wrong, Excerpt taken from THE PRAYER LIFE OF JESUS: Developing Yours by Looking at His by Glenn Arekion., Whats the weather like where you live? Like Peters disappointing night of fishing, our attempts to serve the Lord in our strength will yield empty nets every time. We launch out to catch mento connect hearts with the invitation of Christ. A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking. There is only one answer to this condition, and that is the spiritual discipline of service. Sue has had a calling to write books for many years. The deep is where the harvest is. Your success is attached to your obedience. This means the total church participating in the common blessing of collective soul winning. Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone? Peter wanted to correct this rabbi, but he had spoken with such authority that he simply said Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net (Luke 5:5). He is calling you to go deeper in Him to trust and rely on Him more. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me (Judges 7:2). How do we develop this level of faith? Hes saying to listen to His voice even amid uncertainty so He can lead and guide us. When we read the Word we come to learn that the Holy Spirit prays for us and also teaches , and reveals to us the Mind of God ,and what His will is in our lives. Only the deep waters of Gods Word and His presence bring these blessings. He looked at Peter and said, Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch (v. 4). They had not a single fish to show for their efforts. In conclusion Campuses in Arlington Heights, Barrington, Itasca, Marengo, Northfield, and Vernon Hills. Privacy Policy No real ministry will take place in your life or mine, until we, too, are willing to cross the threshold of humility. ? This has the notion of fellowship and partnership. The best of life resources are not found on the surface. Because of what the Lord reminds us in His Word. only stand on the shore, And gaze on the ocean so wide; They never have ventured its depths to explore, Or to launch on the fathomless tide. But you can only be a fisher of men if you will follow Christ with unrestrained obedienceif you will pull up your anchor and untie your rope from the dock. #LaunchDeeper, You have a super-natural catch ahead! Launch out into the deep reader. Helpful. Peter, the professional fisherman, had employed all the techniques and expertise of his fishing trade. Peter himself had been working with filthy fishing equipment all night as well. even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Not so many launch out at His word. As we heed Christs commands, however, we will experience miracles made possible only by the hand of God. In many churches the church school requires a major portion of the overall budget, yet its work is viewed as separate from the church itself. If you're planning a building project soon, you're probably wondering just how to work out the finances. It was slimy and smelly. 5And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. There was no Bible yet in the days of Joseph, so God made Himself known through a dream. EDUCATION (Master Degree or Ph.D.) -Take difficult courses (more hours) -Change schools (better education) -Pay higher tuition c. HOME But few are surrendered to launch out in response to Jesus command, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Now, it was up to Peter to trust God for the promised harvest and his future success. "Launch out into the deep." Those were the words that the Lord Jesus spoke to Peter after a long night of work ( see Luke 5 ), during which Peter labored and toiled to catch fish but had come up empty. Launch Out Into The Deep Series Contributed by A. David Hart on Jun 11, 2007 (message contributor) based on 41 ratings (rate this sermon) | 121,708 views Scripture: Luke 5:1-6 Denomination: Baptist Summary: This sermon is to challenge us to trust the Lord with the challenges of life. Now is the time for God's people to launch out into the deep and let down the gospel net for an extraordinary catch of men and women for the kingdom of God. Peters boat wasnt freshly scoured. On the contrary, Peters response was startling: He fell down at Jesus knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. While battling his own demons, E. A. Simmons has dug deep within himself to understand other people's view of the universe they live in, their own reality, their own thoughts. Letting down the nets was just as important. Both boats almost sank. We dont know when, we simply keep our hearts right, free from unbelief, staying the course with perseverance, with diligent expectation that what He has started, He will bring to completion in and through us. O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. Christ spoke and Simon obeyed. Let your faith make you fly. In time, there will be a great haul of fish (fruitfulness) according to Jesus word. What a dramatic turnaround! ?? surprisedwhen she sensed God leading her to write9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom. PO Box 23189 ?when you want something, And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). Display Title: Launch Out Into the Deep First Line: Into the deep launch out Tune Title: [Launch Out Into the Deep] Author: Mrs. L. M. Beal Bateman Scripture: Luke 5:4 Date: 1894 Subject: Choir and Convention Pieces | for special occasions; Quartets | The Search Light #72. A timeless scope. When we follow Him He takes full responsibility in making us fishers of men (Matt. They knew He was different, special. Chapter 2 Prayers of blessing on yall. He let them down into the water for a draught. Launching out into the deep was only the first half of Jesus command. The story began with Peter and his fishing partners experiencing lack in their circumstances, but then suddenly they found themselves having more than enough! It takes effort to get the best out of life. It requires the full cooperation and involvement of every department and service of the church. "Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch." Jesus, St. Luke 5:4 "At the beginning of the new millennium, and at the close of the Great Jubilee during which we celebrated the two thousandth anniversary of the birth of Jesus and a new stage of the Church's journey begins, our hearts ring out with the words of Jesus when one day . I am a beneficiary and an Almin of the School of Great Harvest and implimentng the same here in Kenya. Into the Deep. He wants to bless you so abundantly that it far surpasses any blessing youve experienced in the past. The phrase in this passage that grabs me every time I read it is Peters statement, At thy word, I will.. When Jesus stopped speaking, he looked at Peter and in verse 4 said, Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.. Powerful Prayer is birthed from reading the Word of God. When he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch. But because He recognized something unique in Jesus he wisely obeyed (vs. 5). Maybe youve been splashing around in the shallows of faith for too long. The third result of launching out into the deep is that extraordinary productivity produces extraordinary challenges. The GRACE Follow-On spacecraft . "Every product comes with a time limit. This involves public evangelism, personal evangelism, lay evangelism, youth evangelism, pastoral evangelism, health evangelism, mass media evangelism, et cetera. Jesus finished His message and turned once again to Peter. Why? Peter, as a fisherman knew that the right time to fish was at night. Depth in prayer is a measure of intimacy with God. On this particular day, Jesus got into Peters boat, asking him to push offshore so He could speak to the multitudes from the boat. James 4:10 directs us to, Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. Jesus condescended to our low estate so every person might have an opportunity to be saved. Are you ready to launch out and serve God? Suddenly, Peter heard his name. With Global Leadership Development experience for a major Fortune 100 Financial Institution, he serves as Board Member for several Not For Profit organizations throughout Michigan and a mentor to many throughout the Corporate Arena, Faith Community and across the globe. The blessings became so overwhelming their boats began to sink. Sometimes, God calls us to get in over our heads Launching out into the deep requires you go deeper in your faith, hope, and trust in God. Whatever your answer is, just know that I will always believe that, and I will always believe in you.". More than anything else, you need a man or woman-sized challenge that is going to push you outside your comfort zone, so that you need to trust God like never before! No matter who you are, where you are and whatever you have been through, everyone has at least, a net in his/her hands, an endowment packaged in us to bless our world. He had just finished teaching the large crowd that had gathered at the Lake of Gennesaret. Launch out into the deep. We can lament the state of our nation and the multitudes of lost people around us, or we can roll up our sleeves, hoist the sails, and launch out into the deep. Initially, Peter responded to Jesus command like you and I would have donewith logic. A total surrender towards God. You have entered an incorrect email address! This was completely ridiculous. ASV. Christ's mandate to "launch out into the deep" is a call for the whole church to set bigger and more daring evangelistic objectives. Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure. He also knew that you caught more fish in shallow water. Peter learned the techniques perfectly. God is ready to break our nets with Pentecostal soul-winning results. KJ21. This is the chain reaction of unified, collective soul winning. 11For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Immediately, though, Peter is exposed to something far greater than anything . David Cerullo is the founder, chairman, and CEO of Inspiration Ministries, located in Indian Land, South Carolina a ministry dedicated to impacting people for Christ worldwide through media. If you're a Christian and you want to follow God and obey him and make a difference in your life and see the power of God in your life there's a launching out that needs to happen first. Expect His Harvest. Or is teaching without preaching enough? He also serves as the president of Impact Ministries, an outreach ministry committed to strengthening families in the South Shore community of Chicago. This is typical of the futility of human efforts without divine unction. You can change your cookie settings through your browser. So I encourage you, start right now believe God for more in your life and watch what He does! Its your season of great harvest! He reached out to the needy. Its no wonder we so often struggle to fully comprehend and believe what the Bible says about the astounding power available to us in Christ. He invites us to launch out into the deep. when in trouble, It was a well-known fact that in the Sea of Galilee, fishermen caught fish at night in the shallow waternot in full daylight in deep water. Believers are called into the same experience; plunge into the realm of harvest and launch into the deep, letting down your nets for a draught. Though Peter was discouraged and uncertain about Jesus request, he nevertheless obeyed His instructions and was rewarded for it greatly. Launching into the deep involves counting all as loss, and giving in to what God has to say / reveal to you. When Peter chose to place his faith in the powerful word of God, his life would never be the same. May gratitude for His unspeakable gift compel us to likewise serve with humility. And others just venture away from the land, Dont forget to drop your comments below if you found this prayer helpful. All representative texts Compare texts ^ top. It is easiest to stay by the shore in shallow waters. "Launch out into the deep.". Berean Study Bible Time's clock has struck the hour when the church must embark upon a new revolutionary Spirit-led soul-winning adventure of unprecedented magnitude. Together we will lift our hearts and voices with you in prayer. The disciples discovered what God could do as they threw themselves into something beyond themselves. A launching out in faith because Jesus said so. Peters step of faith and obedience turned out to be a pivotal moment, transforming not just the outcome of that day, but his entire life after that: When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking (v. 6). We exist to deploy fishers of men to take men alive for the kingdom of God. We need not fear if what we are doing is in God's will. Peter had the choice to either serve his emotions and give up or crucify his flesh and submit to Gods Word and Launch. Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord Prayer Points, Prayer Points For God To Reveal Himself To Me. Sues newest book, 9 Traits of a Life-Giving Marriage, grew out of their heart to help couples grow closer to God and to each other. The people wanted to hear Him share the Words of God. He nudged it away from the shore and listened as Jesus voice now projected across the Galilean Sea to the multitude on the bank. It is the same thought that Zechariah expressed in his famous passage "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord" (Zech. After toiling all night without success, it seemed hopeless to cast the net by day; but Jesus had given the command, and love for their Master moved the disciples to obey. This time Jesus gave the clearance to launch and to let down his nets in expectation to catch a harvest. Faith begins where mans power ends.. Peter responded, "Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net . Psalm 34: 8-10 "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. The church can no longer continue to expect dramatic Pentecostal results in evangelism while it is fishing in the shallow waters of spiritual complacency, lack of sacrificial commitments, and Laodicean lukewarmness. Peters decision to launch out was purposed obedience. And this remarkable turn of events all happened because they dared to believe Jesus instruction to launch out into deeper waters. It is divine call to launch out in the deep at God's command! To invite Sue (or Wayne & Sue) to speak at your event click here. . Even after the initial launch, our faith may falter. Lancaster Baptist Church and Pastor Paul Chappell. Joseph was one of twelve brothers, through different mothers. Verse Concepts. But, you must be prepared to launch out into the deep for your harvest of miracles and blessings. There are people who pray and are not ready to hear from God, because they have set themselves as authorities in certain fields. Let's look at a few points: God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. God in the flesh now entered the environment of a common fisherman. If you continue without changing your settings, you agree to our use of cookies. In that moment, Peter had the choice to either serve his emotions and give up or crucify his flesh and submit to Gods Word and Launch. Our new Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal is fresh off the press, and brimming with good music, new and old. By Terry LaMasters | April 26th, 2013. The Power of a Focused Life in Mobilization, Widespread networking among GMMI network leaders and Great Commission Equipping Center (GCEC) alumni to multiply and facilitate multitudes of. Dont get sidetracked with other focal points, but with laser focus stay the course.. Your generous gift will help us impact others for Christ through our global salvation outreach and other faith based initiatives. We serve the same Jesus who spoke to Peter two thousand years ago. From this moment forward, he would be a fisher of men. The moment you launch out at His word, the possibilities become as endless as the horizon. It means you leave the shallows behind fully surrendered to the directions of the Captain. 2023 Global Mission Mobilization Initiative | Design by ZindaMedia |, Great Commission Mobilization School (ASIA GCMS), Great Commission Mobilization School (Africa GCMS), Contending for the Mission Mobilization Movement. The Lay Activities, Youth, Sabbath School, Health, Education, Steward ship, and Publishing departments, together with pastoral and administrative leadershipall uniting in joint collective action. We generally do what we want to do. Often when people hear her voice or name they realize that she has already been a daily inspiration to them via the airwaves. In deep prayer, pour out your heart and soul to God, as the Holy Spirit leads. Jesus has ulterior motives, but the command is for Peter to literally cast his nets to try to make a literal catch of fish. "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught." Luke 5:4. The context of this passage is Jesus relating with Peter, James, and John, who would become His disciples. Let your faith make you soar. Sermon of the Week. Trust His Word. 1 2 3 Next LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP Luke 5:1-6 With Ella-Rae Smith, Jessica Alexander, Matthew Daddario, Nikkita Chadha. Avoid lip service. Spread the love. The depth into which we launch will depend upon how perfectly we have given up the shore, and the greatness of our need, and the apprehension of our possibilities. Food banks found themselves thrust into the spotlight back in 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic stealing jobs and creating a staggering . "Night was the only favorable time for fishing with nets in the clear waters of the lake. White Wings #104. Sitemap, This site uses cookies to provide you with more responsive and personalized service and to collect certain information about your use of the site. From the 45 percent in 1991 who stated they read their Bible outside church to 37 percent in 2001, these numbers should serve as a splash of cold water to some fast-asleep Christians.3. And because of that, he missed out on some of the blessings God had in mind for him. All rights reserved. Get ready for a great catch! Every church is to launch out into communities, preaching the everlasting gospel, winning new converts, organizing new church groups, and confirming new believers in this precious message. Like Peter, our response to Gods Word will either invite His blessing and power, or it will hinder it. They wanted to hear Him speak, and perhaps many of them had heard how he had been healing all . To demonstrate his obedience to the Master Fisherman, he unhesitatingly let down the net and in faith awaited the results. 4:6). The young lions do lack, and suffer . Peter knew every reasonand they were good onesnot to obey Jesus. See ourPrivacy Policyfor more information. I have a dream that during this time of Harvest '90, God's church will emerge into a new spectacular era of unprecedented evangelism and church growth similar to the fishing exploits of the disciples. When Christ releases you into a new season, He gives you specific direction and instruction for success. If he was unsure about his life purpose before, he wasnt now. And this remarkable turn of events all happened because they dared to believe Jesus' instruction to "launch out" into deeper waters. In such times, we do well to remember the words of Jesus to a troubled father, Be not afraid, only believe (Mark 5:36). And Simon answering said unto him, Master, weve been toiling all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless, at thy word, I will let down the net. Representative Text. With over 25 years of marriage and ministry, Wayne and Sue have a heart help couples to build marriages that last. In Mark 1:17 Christ graciously invites us, " 'Come, follow me, . REALLY messing up? Self centred prayers. Simon was familiar with launching out and fishing in the deep but the last time he tried he caught nothing. His father was Jacob, the grandson of Abraham. Pastor James Ford Jr. has been the senior pastor of Christ Bible Church of Chicago, located on the south side of Chicago, Ill., for over 35 years. Simply click on the button below to reach us by form, email or phone. The Word says, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). A man after God's own Heart. MinistryMagazine.org is an official website of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, 2021 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Peter didnt know it, but his choice in that moment would be the pivotal point for the rest of his life. Every mom wants to be the best mom in the world to her children but often she feels like the worst. LAUNCHING OUT INTO THE DEEP IN OUR COMMITMENT TAKES FAITH AND EFFORT: IT MAY GO AGAINST OUR INITIAL WILL! GMMI is setting a course to see the following broad, macro focal points implemented as initial steps of letting down our nets. There is more to the mobilization strategy the Spirit has given us, but these are priorities to get us moving in the right direction this year. (Luke 5:4, 5). "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets" for the catch is the ringing challenge of Christ to the church today. His request this time was astounding: "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a drought" (Luke 5:4). The Mercy of God is an Ocean Divine (Launch Out Into the Deep) Andrew Remillard 30.1K subscribers Subscribe 9.4K views 7 years ago Check out the complete list of all 6000+ hymns and 200+.

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